CMoM Archives of General Meetings
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• December 9: Capturing text from PDFs and downloading videos with Ron Brunet
• November 11:
Your Favorite Websites with member participation
October 14: (INTERRUPTED at 7:30 by the widespread power failure in Pacific Grove)
• September 8: Bento 4 with Jerry Gifford
• August 12: Lion:  First Look  &  Mac OS X Security tips with Leo Marihart
• July 8:  Recollections and Projections with Dick Crowell & Ron Brunet
• June 10:  Malware, Fake Security Software Jerry Gifford & Ron Brunet
• May 13: 
Web Based Tools and Applications: What’s all the Buzz?
• April 8:  Google Tools Unleashed with Krystlyn Giedt
• March 11: Advanced Google Search Techniques with Ron Brunet

• February 11: Podcasting Workshop with Nick La Fountain
• January 14:  Spaces with Frank Murphy


Friday, December 9, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Capturing text from PDFs and downloading videos
Ron Brunet

Ron will discuss how to get text from PDF documents and web pages into an editable format. We'll also take a look at how to download video from the internet that you thought you couldn't.   Several software solutions have been recommended.

MovieSherlock for Mac OS 10.4 and higher, universal binary
     Lite: $14.95 Full: $24.95 Pro: $39.99

YouTube Video Grabber for Mac, Version 2.5 for OS 10.5, 10.6      $20.00

Real Player for Mac OS 10.4.11 or higher for G4, G5, optimized for Power PC and Intel
     Real Player: free
     Real Player Plus: $39.95

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, November 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Your Favorite Websites
Mutual participation by members and guests

CMoM members and guests sent lists of favorite websites to be presented during the meeting.

Click for: CMoM-FaveURLs.docSaveAs...

Click for: CMoM-FaveURLs.pdf

Click for: CMoM-FaveURLs.pages

NOTE: If using Firefox or Camino to open a " ...pages" document, click the mouse right button or Control-click and select "Save Page As..." to download this document now, then open later.

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, October 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Capturing text from PDFs and downloading videos
Ron Brunet

(INTERRUPTED at 7:30 by the widespread power failure in Pacific Grove)

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, September 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Bento 4
Jerry Gifford

Jerry will present an overview of using Bento 4 by FileMaker (a personal database for the Mac) to include conversion and importing of Appleworks databases and spreadsheets and Filmmaker files. Some possible uses of Bento on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone will be demonstrated. Label printing using Bento 4 will also be discussed.

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, August 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Lion:  First Look  &  Mac OS X Security tips
Leo Marihart

Lion: First look

• New Features: Multi-touch: great for Laptops.
• Mission Control & LaunchPad
• Full Screen (it's great with Mission Control)
• Gotchas #1 (transferring from 10.6 (old Dictionary files)
• Gotchas #2 (Mail plugins that do not work like GPGMail)
• Gotchas #3 (bye bye PPC apps. All of them.)
• Q&A
• Security Features.. which segues into...

Mac OS X Security tips

• Where are my logs? Which ones "matter"? Why do I care about this?
• What is FileVault? Lion full disk encryption? Why do I care about this?
• Password managers? (1Password for strong password generation).
• "Phoning home"... what can or should I do about this? (LittleSnitch, or 'Hands Off!')
• Less is more: Drop the Haxies & Input Managers.
• Login Items and Launch Services.
• Q&A

Leo's Presentation Outline  is available in three formats:


Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, July 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Recollections and Projections
Dick Crowell & Ron Brunet

Dick will present his short video, "Washington DC--its Monuments and Memorials", and discuss a few of the iMovie techniques he used to make it.

Ron will facilitate audience participation on navigating features of Mac OS X. What will "Lion" offer?

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, August 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Lion:  First Look  &  Mac OS X Security tips
Leo Marihart

Lion: First look

• New Features: Multi-touch: great for Laptops.
• Mission Control & LaunchPad
• Full Screen (it's great with Mission Control)
• Gotchas #1 (transferring from 10.6 (old Dictionary files)
• Gotchas #2 (Mail plugins that do not work like GPGMail)
• Gotchas #3 (bye bye PPC apps. All of them.)
• Q&A
• Security Features.. which segues into...

Mac OS X Security tips

• Where are my logs? Which ones "matter"? Why do I care about this?
• What is FileVault? Lion full disk encryption? Why do I care about this?
• Password managers? (1Password for strong password generation).
• "Phoning home"... what can or should I do about this? (LittleSnitch, or 'Hands Off!')
• Less is more: Drop the Haxies & Input Managers.
• Login Items and Launch Services.
• Q&A

Leo's Presentation Outline  is available in three formats:


Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Malware, The Specter of Fake Security Software
Jerry Gifford & Ron Brunet
Friday, June 10, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

A interactive discussion on identification, prevention, and removal the plague of malicious software now being pushed to Mac users. to cure a non-existent problem. We will explore some precautions to take to avoid being taken-in by the sellers these products. 

We will also discuss a new product called "MacUpdate"-- an innovative offering combining email with aspects of daily discount coupons.

NOTE:  Click to reveal which version of Flash Player you are using

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, May 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Web Based Tools and Applications:  What’s all the Buzz?
Harry W. Powell

Times are changing in the personal computer world.  Applications we have used for years on our computers are now available and operate directly on the web! Plus new and innovative tools and applications based on Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 resources are now accessible on the Internet. Powell will demonstrate a number of these free or inexpensive programs during the presentation. An extensive list of web based tools and applications links will be provided to attendees.

Click here for Harry's list (104KB pdf).

Click here for his PowerPoint slides. (160 KB pdf)

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove


Friday, April 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Google Tools Unleashed  

Krystlyn Giedt is the owner, graphic designer, and website developer for KG Graphix.  Visit her website at or her new facebook wall or email her at for more information.


Google has unleashed new products likely to fit your profession or computer skill level.  The goal of this presentation will be to take your pre-submitted questions to inform you of the products and/or releases you want to know about as well as try to help everyone get the most out of their Google experience.

Krystlyn requests you to please visit her online form to submit your question for the presentation. Krystlyn has also prepared a descriptive flyer with more information about new Google products. 

Click to see to see Krystlyn's  on-screen flyer link on this  CMoM website. Or download her flyer in these two formats:   GoogleToolsUnleashed.pdf  or  GoogleToolsUnleashed.doc

NOTE:  If you missed Krystlyn's dynamic presentation to CMoM on April 8th, click to download Mac Club Google Presentation.pdf, her 5-page PDF (84KB) document with detailed answers to those questions and with additional valuable insights.

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, March 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.

Advanced Google Search Techniques 

Ron Brunet

Ron Brunet will demonstrate advanced Google Search techniques and provide tips on how to best utilize this popular search engine to find what you are looking for, and save time in the process.

 Learn about using

• Advanced Search option
• Search shortcuts
• Local searches
• The Wonder Wheel
• The Timeline
• Foreign translations
• Unit conversions
• Special Image searches
• And more

Click here for a Google Search Presentation documentSaveAs...
 which Ron has prepared in three formats:

Google Search Presentation.doc
Google Search Presentation.docx
Google Search Presentation.pdf

Google Search Presentation.pages
NOTE: If using Firefox or Camino to open a" ...pages" document, click the mouse right button or Control-click and select "Save Page As..." to download this document now, to open later on.

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, February 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.


Podcasting Workshop - An Introduction to Audio Podcasting With GarageBand

Nick La Fountain, Director of Technoloogy, Palma School

A podcast is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication ( In this workshop, not only will you learn how to find, subscribe and listen to podcasts, but you'll also learn how to create and distribute your own podcast.

If you can't wait, click here for Nick's  agenda with step-by-step list of questions and essential hardware and software.

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, January 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.


Spaces, the Mac Desktop Manager

Frank Murphy as a continuation of his "Tools and Techniques  #2 in a series."

The Spaces program helps to eliminate the clutter and confusion of too many open applications on your desktop. It does this by allowing the user to define up to 16 virtual desktops (spaces).

• Each space is independent of the others
• User applications can be automatically opened in a designated space
• More than one application can occupy the same space
• An application can be moved from one space to another
• The user can easily switch from one space to another

Two third party programs are useful in managing spaces:

Hyperspaces.   Lets the user define a different desktop background for each space. $12.95 (Leopard or later)

DocView.    As the mouse hovers over a dock icon, DockView provides a preview of the contents of its space.   $7.99   (Snow Leopard)

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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Friday, ________, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
To be Announced
To be Announced

To be Announced

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

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