CMoM Forum
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Board Notes/Minutes January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December
Treasurer Reports (see dropbox?)
Membership Reports (see dropbox?)

See: Suggested topics for future meetings
See: 2011 MC Schedule
See: Proposed Problem-Solving Form by CMoM Volunteers (pdf)
See: CMoM Sign-in sheets (pdf)
See: General Meeting - LONG script for the M.C. (pdf)
See: General Meeting - SHORT script for the M.C. (pdf)
See: Board Meeting Agenda format (text) for President or Vice-President
See: CMoM graphics & logos (for internal club use only)

See: To be announced template

Access:   Club Mac of Monterey (Jerry's) Yahoo TECH Group (External link)
Access:   Club Mac of Monterey (Ron's) Blog (External link)

See: On-line spreadsheet to generate random numbers for drawing the door prize
Open Document:  spreadsheet = Random for CMoM.ods

See: Certificate of Articles of 501(c)3 Incorporation of Club Mac of Monterey (pdf)

See: Secretary of State - STATEMENT OF INFORMATION - Form SI -100
(2 pages scanned as jpg)

See: CMoM 1994, ByLaws Articles I -- IX
(eventually 21 pages as text (OCR from scans)


Board Notes


December 11, 2010:

November 12, 2010:







April 8, 2011
Club Mac of Monterey

Present were
Frank Murphy
Jerry Gifford
Ron Brunet
Bruce Belknap
Jack Irvine

1. The April 8 Meeting. The presentation by Krystlyn Giedt was very well received. She is very knowledgable about “everything Google.”
After the meeting, board members talked with Krystlyn about a return visit. We discussed topics which would be appropriate for our membership.

2. CMoM Bank Account. Jerry continues to negotiate with local financial institutions to provide us with banking services. Our status as a non-profit entity is at issue. Jerry has requested the incorporation documents on file with with the secretary of state’s office.

3. Club Mac Mugs. Frank will contact for information about prices and submission of art work.

4. Bulk Email Program. In the absence of such a program, the board recommended that we use the Mac Mail program to send out the monthly member notices. Frank will send a test message to board members to determine its feasibility.

5. Bruce solicited comments from board members about the club’s involvement with Dave Powell’s project to refurbish old computer equipment for distribution to residents of Canterbury Woods. Bruce showed us his website notice supporting Dave’s efforts. Board members expressed an interest in expressing support for Dave’s effort but stopped short of proposing active participation.

6. Program for the May 13 meeting. Harry Powell is still on track to present “Web 2.0 and 3.0 Tools.”

Frank Murphy
April 9, 2011





Current Treasurer Report
02_February 2011

Current Membership Report
CMoM Me...............

Agenda Format


Appleworks spreadsheet to generate random numbers

(Offsite spreadsheet URL will go here)


Friday, ________, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
To be Announced
To be Announced

To be Announced

Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

Suggested topics for future meetings

Converting extension of one document type to another type
Demo of iPad (when available)
Apps that save and share photos in the "Cloud"
YouTube with iMovie
Tips on computer maintenance
On-line storage as transfer and backup
Navigating OS X
iWeb or Pages
Extended Q & A & video(s) on new Apple products (like the new MacBook Air)

MC 2011 schedule
Jan 14: Ken
Feb 11:
Mar 11: Dick
Apr 8: (not ken)
May 13: ken
Jun 10: (not ken)
Jul 8: Bruce
Aug12: Dick
Sep 9: ken
Oct 14:
Nov 11: Dick
Dec 9: Frank

MC 2010 schedule
Jan 8:
Feb 12 (Mac Expo)
Mar 12: Bruce
Apr 9: Dick
May 14: Ron
Jun 11: Dick
Jul 9: Ken
Aug 13: Jerry
Sep 10: Ron
Oct 8: Bruce
Nov 12: Dick
Dec 10: Frank

MC 2009 schedule
Jan 9: Ken
Feb 13: Bruce
Mar 13: Dick
Apr 10: Ken
May 8: Ron
Jun 12: Bruce
Jul 10: Suzi
Aug 14: Dick
Sep 11: Bruce
Oct 9: Ken
Nov 13: Jerry
Dec 11: Dick