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Board Minutes

November 11, 2005
Club Mac of Monterey Board of Directors’ Meeting
Notes from the Secretary

Program Report:
Good guest attendance from Canterbury folks. Some side dialogues between people disturbed others and they noted it to us. Solution: active coordinator (MC to help get us back on track). Thanks to Gerry, we commented on aspects of iPhoto and looked at features. Others chimed in with what they knew.

December 9 Planning: As many members gone that night, Ken and Susan will help direct. Topic will be around the question, What do you want to do with you Mac? and Intro to the Mac. Focus will be on collecting for bus ride to Mac World, Jan. 13, cost $25. or $35. non-member. Folks wanted to know how to get a free ticket to enter at door. Someone mentioned they might have those on MacWorld site.
Topics discussed:
Jan. 13 Mac World Party Meeting
February 10: Email
March 10: Backup strategies, Scott Cote could be contacted.

Membership Report Stats: 43 past members, 80 Guests, 48 Members, a Total 186 in data base
CD: Send to Ken and he will forward to Eric Frith

Please let me know if I have left out anything important or you would like to correct anything. Thanks, Susan Tarleton

Sept.9, 2005
Notes from the Secretary
Club Mac of Monterey Board of Directors’ Meeting

Program Report:
We commented on the helpful tips related in our group discussion. Ken shared his tip, and pdf techniques including mailing pdf to yourself, and Ron helped with image capture with cmd shift 4. Gerry showed how to control image software preference to open before Preview does. Others discussed Preview's print advantages for pdf. We all like the open forum. We agreed that the database meeting should be in December, and the iPhoto (or other image loading software) meeting held in November thus giving us more time to prepare for the database meeting and perhaps have a connection by then. We discussed a cable connection and Airport and board members are working on it.

The President asked Dave P. to send an email for pre-enrollment interest for Mac World trip. $35. or so cost, leaving at 8:00am and back around 5.
Gerry gave his tally on the funds. He will reserve the 24 passenger bus. Goal for money in hand in January 1. No feedback yet from the meeting night vote, but members in attendance agreed that Fridays worked for them. Ken added that we picked up 2 members. It was agreed that no Librarian is needed for the club at this time.

August 12, 2005
Notes from the Secretary
Club Mac of Monterey Board of Directors’ Meeting

Program Report:
Ron and others commented on what went well in tonight’s meeting. Good dialogue between people, demonstrations good.

The topic had been Tiger features, swop trade items. Graphic Converter features were shown and some database software were mentioned for further program ideas. Some ideas were: iPhoto, graphic programs, music, etc., databases and beyond.

We discussed setting up wireless connection at Canterbury.

Ron will send email of his notice to leave the Presidency.

Online banking for our Club is now available thanks to Gerry.

Membership Report Stats: 43 past members, 80 Guests, 55 Members, a Total 180

Gerry to notify us of our annual trip to San Francisco for MacWorld Expo in January and gain and idea of how many may go. It was suggested putting this info in the email in the meeting announcement info in Sept. It was agreed upon that meeting after the meeting is good for all present board members. We also hope to maintain the 2nd Friday night meeting day.

Please let me know if I have left out anything important or you would like to correct anything. Please inform me on the rest of the tasks as we progress.

Thanks, Susan Tarleton



Treasurer Reports


Membership Report