CMoM Forum
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Board Notes/Minutes January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December
Treasurer Reports Current
Membership Reports Current


See: Suggested topics for future meetings

See: 2010 MC Schedule

See: Proposed Problem-Solving Form by CMoM Volunteers (pdf)
See: CMoM Sign-in sheets (pdf)
See: General Meeting - LONG script for the M.C. (pdf)
See: General Meeting - SHORT script for the M.C. (pdf)
See: Board Meeting Agenda format (text) for President or Vice-President
See: CMoM graphics & logos (for internal club use only)

See: list of possible topics for future meetings: Converting extension of one document type to another type; Demo of iPad (when available); Apps that save and share photos in the "Cloud", YouTube with iMovie, Audio Podcast with Garage Band, Tips on maintaining your computer, On-line storage as transfer and backup....

See: To be announced template

Access:   Club Mac of Monterey (Jerry's) Yahoo TECH Group (External link)
Access:   Club Mac of Monterey (Ron's) Blog (External link)

See: On-line spreadsheet to generate random numbers for drawing the door prize
Open Document:  spreadsheet = Random for CMoM.ods

See: Secretary of State - STATEMENT OF INFORMATION - Form SI -100
(2 pages scanned as jpg)

See: CMoM 1994, ByLaws Articles I -- IX
(eventually 21 pages as text (OCR from scans)


Board Notes


December 11, 2010:

November 12, 2010:

October 8, 2010:

Present were Ken Morley, Jerry Gifford, Ron Brunet, Bruce Belknap, Frank Murphy

Topics discussed:

1. Program for the November meeting. Ron will contact the Apple Store about the possibility of their doing a presentation on the iPad features and capabilities. Jerry suggested as a backup plan the club could demonstrate podcasts using iTunes or the CMoM website.

2. The CMoM website. Bruce and others discussed the relationship between Redshift and Club Mac.

3. Membership. Frank suggested that the board consider establishing a 2-tier dues payment system wherein renewing members would be charged less than new members. Members whose dues are delinquent more than a certain number of months would be considered new members in terms of payment due. This procedure could provide an incentive for club members to not let their membership lapse.

Frank Murphy
Membership Chair

September 10, 2010:

August 13, 2010:

July 9, 2010:

June 11, 2010:

May 14, 2010:

April 9, 2010:

March 12, 2010:

February 12, 2010:
Club Mac of Monterey
Executive Board Meeting

Club Mac of Monterey contracted for a van to San Francisco for Club members and guests to attend Macworld Expo at The Moscone Center. We had 8 riders on the van, 1 cancellation the day before and 1 person who missed the van due to traffic. The van departed Ft. Ord @ 0800 and returned at 1700. The CMoM meeting then convened at Canterbury Woods @ about 1830 with pizza provided by the Club. There were 13 people in attendance, including the 8 who were on the van trip. The program was an open forum led by President Ken on what we saw, what we purchased and a general discussion of the Expo. The meeting was adjourned @ 2030 and the Board meeting followed.

Call to Order:
Board members present were Ken, Bruce, Jerry, Ron and Dick.

Treasurers Report: Jerry gave a recap of our finances; we are solvent after paying for van and pizza. There was discussion about whether we should try to have a social activity this year—a party or ?? No conclusion was reached on a party but there was agreement we should try to encourage or accommodate people who might want to socialize or continue their discussions after our meetings. It was agreed to delay the Board meeting next month until 2130 to allow people to talk without feeling we were rushing them out in order to start the Board meeting. If this appears successful and people do stay to chat we will consider holding our future Board meetings at 1830—before the general membership meetings.

Program for Next Meeting: March 12 will be “A Discussion of Favorite Websites” to be led by Board member Ron Brunet. Members will be solicited by blast e-mail from President Ken to submit their favorite sites. Ron will open some of these and people can tell why this site is a favorite and how/why they use it. This depends of course, on the C/W internet connection and the projector systems all working properly. Jerry to check in advance with David Powell to try to make certain they all work.

Future programs: Ideas for future meetings were discussed. Jerry will contact a person he has met at the Monterey Genealogy Society regarding a program on Google for the April meeting. Other topics (and the person to possibly honcho the program) are:

Features of Word (Ron)
Pages (Bruce)
Converting Documents from One Extension to Another
(KenDemo of iPad (a geek from ComputerWorld, Best Buy or ?)
Saving Photos in the Clouds (Bruce or ?)
iMovie on Genealogy Discoveries (Dick)

There being no further ideas or CMoM business, the meeting was adjourned by President Ken @ 2130.

Dick Crowell, Secretary
ClubMac of Monterey

January 8, 2009:

Club Mac of Monterey
Executive Board Meeting

The program tonight was on “Making Quicktime Photo Slideshows” and was presented by member Kathleen Marsh.

Call to Order: Board members present were Ken, Jerry, Ron, Bruce and Dick.

Program for Next Meeting: Bus trip to Macworld Expo and meeting afterwards to discuss what we saw at the county fair. Dick will try to place notice in Herald next week announcing seats are available and give web site if anyone interested in signing up. Another announcement will be sent to the Herald the week of the trip/meeting. General discussion followed concerning improving low demand for seats, possible need to downsize to a van, pizza party arrangements, map and directions.

Future programs: Programs for future meetings were discussed. For March it was agreed to have a program on “Search Strategies and Best Websites”, with Ron as the coordinator/presenter and solicit input on websites from the Board and/or members.

CMoM Website: There was general agreement on the high quality of our website and Board appreciation was expressed to Bruce for keeping it looking so good! Bruce will explore putting an index at the top of the site to help users find items and features listed on the site.

There being no further CMoM business, the meeting was adjourned by President Ken @ 2200.

Dick Crowell, Secretary
ClubMac of Monterey

Current Treasurer Report

Current Membership Report
CMoM Membership Stats Sep 2010.pdf

Agenda Format


Appleworks spreadsheet to generate random numbers

(Offsite spreadsheet URL will go here)


Friday, DATE, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.


Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue in Pacific Grove

Suggested topics for future meetings

You Tube – with iMovie
Audio Podcast – Garage Band
Navigating OS X
Tips on maintaining your computer
iWeb or Pages
Spaces and Stacks
Extended Q & A & video(s) on new Apple products (like the new MacBook Air)

MC 2011 schedule
Jan 14: Ken
( MacWorld bus trip likely on Jan 28, so what to do about meeting? ? Skip Feb meeting? Talk at meeting in Nov.)
Feb 11:
Mar 11: Dick
Apr 8: (not ken)
May 13: ken
Jun 10: (not ken)
Jul 8:
Aug 7: Dick
Sep 9: ken
Oct 14:
Nov 11:
Dec 9: (not ken)

MC 2010 schedule
Jan 8:
Feb 12 (Mac Expo)
Mar 12: Bruce
Apr 9: Dick
May 14: Ron
Jun 11: Dick
Jul 9: Ken
Aug 13: Jerry
Sep 10: Ron
Oct 8: Bruce
Nov 12: Dick
Dec 10: Frank

MC 2009 schedule
Jan 9: Ken
Feb 13: Bruce
Mar 13: Dick
Apr 10: Ken
May 8: Ron
Jun 12: Bruce
Jul 10: Suzi
Aug 14: Dick
Sep 11: Bruce
Oct 9: Ken
Nov 13: Jerry
Dec 11: Dick