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Board Minutes January, February,March,April,May,June,July,
Treasurer Reports January, February,March,April,May,June,July,
Membership Report October 2006

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MoM Sign-in sheets (PDF)
Also see:
General Meeting script for the M.C. (PDF)
Also see: Board Meeting Agenda format (text) for President or Vice-President
Also see: CMoM graphics & logos (for internal club use only)


Board Minutes

December: December 8, 2006 Notes from the Board Meeting

Good turnout for Hilary Bennett's itunes presentation. Several new guests asked questions. Thanks to Dave Powell and Gerry Gifford the internet was available and enhanced the presentation.
Meeting ideas were discussed.
Jan: Will be the MacWorld trip experiences and news.
For Feb: Buy, Sell, and Give-away: Free cycle, Craig's List, and ebay
March: A look at email software, contrast and compare
Other ideas were: Discussion Groups_MAC Forums, Google earth, map sites, Rand McNally Map site, GPS systems, Search Engines
Reminder for parking at PG Adult Ed for the MacWorld passengers to be sent email.
Pizza to be ordered by cell phone as last year.
Drinks to be purchased locally and hopefully iced.
Supplies: We need spoons and regular lipton tea bags were requested for mtg. supplies.

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November: November 10th:
No board meeting was held.

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October: Notes from Oct. mtg:
Suggestions for meeting topics were: weeding out our drives, the OS system once-over, hints and tips to share with prizes, explanation of Target Disc mode, laptop computer connections, how to hook up two computers, (CMD T) lap top with fire wire, computer wiz from CSUMB to be invited to speak, geneology software, email program reviews
Info about Macworld, cost etc. to be supplied in next message.

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September: September 8th:
No board meeting was held.

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August: August 11th:
No Minutes were recorded in Secretary's absence.

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July: Notes_CMOM_July 14
Program Review: great attendance (47) and upbeat program by Hilary.
Membership Report: 194 Members on database.
New Programs and MC's (some still tentative):
August: Dick Crowell will show iMovie. Jerry is MC.
Sept: Ron is MC. Program: ?Liz Nolan on graphics or Ron on Word Processing/Open Office Review?
Oct. Bruce is MC. Rob Langhorne: on new intel processor and security issues (particularly as it relates to running PC software on the new processor).
Nov. MC is Ken
Dec. MC is Susan

Discussed update on Web connection, no new news
Bruce said URL is up and is providing an events notice and much good work on the site
Discussed email strategy for notices of Club events
Decision to include picnic info in Herald ad.
Ron suggested: Remind people to sign-up for the Picnic at the meeting and pay their $5.00. We need to know ahead of time if people are going to attend so that we have a good count for food and refreshments.
FYI–CMoM members/Monterey Bay User Group (MBUG) Barbecue Picnic: Saturday, Aug.-19, 1 to 3 at 651 Sinex

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June: Notes from the Secretary June 9, 2006
Meeting went well, everyone excited about the presentation by David Powell and thought there was good interaction. 26 people attended. Discussed getting an email with redshift for contact info for the Club.
Discussed next program ideas:
Hilary: iMovie demo or iPhoto, Gerry: Backing-up: Superdooper, Bruce on external back-up strategies, Ron Brunet: Review of Word-type programs, Malcolm:would prefer to show Acrobat when we have Web connection.
Ken gone first two weeks of August.
Next Meeting July 14.
Discussed Dave Paterson possible gift of lifetime membership. is our work site for the new web site

May: Board of Directors’ Meeting Notes 5_16_2006
Program Report:
Scott Cote gave an informative and spirited presentation on Identity Theft and we all learned a lot. Thank you, Scott.

Next month:
David Powell to present “Keynote,” a presentation software (the MAC version of PowerPoint)
Following months suggestions: iPhoto, iLife, Aperature Tutorial, How the Internet Works, Acrobat

Suggestion made to advertise better next month. Susan will place the ad. Other suggestions for flyer distribution and promotion were noted. Susan to creat new pdf flyer. (Give away Tiger drawing s/b mentioned)

Membership increased by 3 with total active 38.

We discussed transmitter and extender installation status at Canterbury Woods.
Scott recommended to use Apple sales instead of mailbox.
Jean Stallings recommended for Benefit person.
Benefits tub to be continued even though it’s combersome as members like the drawings.
Please let me know if I need to add something.

April: Notes from the Secretary_4_14_2006
We did not have a full Board meeting this night, as we only had partial attendance of the Board. However, we discussed the following items.
Program Report:
Ron Gave a great presentation on Pages and we all learned a lot. Thank you, Ron.
A CD was distributed of some CMOM graphics.
Next month:
David Powell suggested he could present “Keynote” Presentation software the MAC version of PowerPoint.
We discussed transmitter and extender installation. We also suggested that the chairs could mover up front closer to the screen at the next meeting, moving the tables backward.

March: Notes from the Secretary_March 10, 2006

Program Report:
First time we tried smaller conference room at Canterbury. Screen visibility
was a concern, but smaller intimate setting was pleasant and interactive, in my view. Bruce Belcap MC’d meeting, with Susan Tarleton giving presentation on features of InDesign CS2. Questions and answers followed, lively discussion.

Planning: Discussion on setting up our wireless network and examination of our purchases and plan of action discussed. Thanks to everyone involved especially Jerry Gifford, Scott Cote, David Powell, and Ken Morley for your actions! If I understood it right, we are trying the router and high gain antennas first and we have a backup plan.

Bruce Belcap called David Patterson about IP problem gaining access. Website discussion followed.
Ken will assist Bruce in communication.


Please let me know if I have left out anything important or you would like to correct anything before I post on the Web. Thanks, Susan Tarleton

February: February 10, 2006
Notes from the Secretary_Feb 10, 2006 Club Mac of Monterey Board of Directors’ Meeting

Program Report:
Ron Brunet gave a great presentation on iWeb from Mac’s iLife software pkg. We also compared some of the features to the NVU authoring tool. There were around 11 people there and we sat in our reccommended U around the speaker and it worked as hoped in limiting side dialogues.

Planning Notes: Ken was unanimously welcomed as he volunteered to take the Presidency. A consensus was taken. Other concerns were discussed on the web management transfer to Bruce from Dave and topics for our next few meetings were suggested. Susan offered to show Indesign in March, and others offered to supply a laptop setup. Other topics for meetings were: i Tunes, Acrobat Professional (perhaps at a later time presented by Malcom), current modes of networking and connection, online financial sites, RSS, sources of info on the Web, and we hope that Jerry and Suzi can do an iMovie video thing in a few months if they are willing. We are still working on getting a connection at Canterbury Woods.

January: January 13, 2006

Treasurer Reports

December: Report-12-2006
; Report-6-2006.pdf

Membership Report

October: CMoM db history Oct06.pdf

Agenda Format