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December: December 8, 2006 Notes from the Board Meeting Good turnout for Hilary Bennett's itunes presentation. Several new guests asked questions. Thanks to Dave Powell and Gerry Gifford the internet was available and enhanced the presentation. November: November 10th: October: Notes from Oct. mtg: September: September 8th: August: August 11th: July: Notes_CMOM_July 14 Discussed update on Web connection, no new news |
June: Notes from the Secretary June 9, 2006 |
May: Board of Directors’ Meeting Notes 5_16_2006 Next month: Suggestion made to advertise better next month. Susan will place the ad. Other suggestions for flyer distribution and promotion were noted. Susan to creat new pdf flyer. (Give away Tiger drawing s/b mentioned) Membership increased by 3 with total active 38. We discussed transmitter and extender installation status at Canterbury Woods. |
April: Notes from the Secretary_4_14_2006 |
March: Notes from the Secretary_March 10, 2006 Program Report: Planning: Discussion on setting up our wireless network and examination of our purchases and plan of action discussed. Thanks to everyone involved especially Jerry Gifford, Scott Cote, David Powell, and Ken Morley for your actions! If I understood it right, we are trying the router and high gain antennas first and we have a backup plan. Bruce Belcap called David Patterson about IP problem gaining access. Website discussion followed. <snip> Please let me know if I have left out anything important or you would like to correct anything before I post on the Web. Thanks, Susan Tarleton |
February: February 10, 2006 Program Report: Planning Notes: Ken was unanimously welcomed as he volunteered to take the Presidency. A consensus was taken. Other concerns were discussed on the web management transfer to Bruce from Dave and topics for our next few meetings were suggested. Susan offered to show Indesign in March, and others offered to supply a laptop setup. Other topics for meetings were: i Tunes, Acrobat Professional (perhaps at a later time presented by Malcom), current modes of networking and connection, online financial sites, RSS, sources of info on the Web, and we hope that Jerry and Suzi can do an iMovie video thing in a few months if they are willing. We are still working on getting a connection at Canterbury Woods. |
January: January 13, 2006
December: Report-12-2006 |
October: CMoM db history Oct06.pdf |